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Key Performance Indicators for Ecommerce Website Maintenance


In the dynamic world of ecommerce, maintaining a high-performing website is crucial for success. An ecommerce website is not a one-and-done project; it requires continuous monitoring, optimisation, and maintenance to meet customer expectations and stay competitive in the market. To ensure your ecommerce platform is firing on all cylinders, it’s essential to track and analyse Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that provide insights into the health and effectiveness of your website. In this blog, we’ll explore the key KPIs for ecommerce website maintenance that can propel your business forward.

KPI for Ecommerce Website Maintenance

  • Page Load Time: Slow-loading pages can turn potential customers away. The page load time KPI measures the time it takes for your website to fully load. Google emphasises the importance of a fast-loading site for both user experience and search engine rankings. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help you assess and optimise your site’s speed.
  • Conversion Rate: The ultimate measure of success for an ecommerce site. The conversion rate KPI tracks the percentage of visitors who make a purchase. A declining conversion rate may indicate issues with the checkout process, site usability, or product presentation. Regularly monitor and analyse this KPI to identify areas for improvement and capitalise on what’s working well.
  • Bounce Rate: First impressions matter. Bounce rate measures the percentage of visitors who navigate away from your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate can signal irrelevant content, slow load times, or a poor user interface. By understanding and addressing the factors contributing to a high bounce rate, you can enhance the overall user experience.
  • Cart Abandonment Rate: Recovering lost sales. Cart abandonment occurs when a visitor adds products to their shopping cart but leaves the site without completing the purchase. Tracking this KPI helps identify potential friction points in the buying process. Implementing strategies such as email remarketing or improving the checkout process can help reduce cart abandonment and boost revenue.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Mobile is king. With a growing number of users accessing ecommerce sites on mobile devices, it’s essential to monitor the mobile responsiveness KPI. Ensure that your website provides a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes. Google’s mobile-friendly test can help you assess and enhance your site’s mobile compatibility.
  • Search Engine Ranking: Visibility is key. The search engine ranking KPI measures where your ecommerce website appears in search engine results. Regularly monitor your site’s ranking for relevant keywords to ensure visibility. Employ SEO best practices, including optimising product pages, creating quality content, and building backlinks, to improve your site’s search engine performance.
  • Customer Support Response Time: Happy customers are repeat customers. Timely and effective customer support is vital for maintaining customer satisfaction. Track the response time KPI for customer inquiries and issues. Utilise customer support tools and resources to ensure that your team can promptly address and resolve customer concerns.
  • Uptime and Downtime: Your store should always be open. Uptime and downtime KPIs measure the availability of your website. Downtime can result in lost sales and damage your brand’s reputation. Implement monitoring tools to promptly identify and address any issues that may cause downtime, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers.


In the competitive world of ecommerce, continuous improvement is the key to success. By diligently monitoring and analysing these key performance indicators for ecommerce website maintenance, you can stay ahead of the curve, provide an exceptional user experience, and drive the success of your online business. Remember, the journey to success is ongoing, and regularly assessing and optimising your website based on these KPIs will contribute to sustained growth and customer satisfaction.